Let’s face it, even looking at our site at Luxor Linens, some shower curtains are so lovely that you’re sad to see them go. We get it. We love them, too. A bathroom remodel with new modern shower doors doesn’t have to mean good-bye to the shower curtain you fell in love with long ago. There’s even life left for the shower curtain you don’t particularly love anymore.
If you’re the type of person, who finds joy in discovering ways to repurpose your old items, be ready to flip your lid over these smart ideas to recycle (and sometimes upcycle) your shower curtains. Read on, for we have a few tricks up our sleeve to share.
If you still love your shower curtain but lost your need for it, the heavy, water-resistant fabrics can be used in other ways. Here’s how you can continue pay tribute to your savvy eye for detail with repurposing that gorgeous design:
That beautiful water-resistant fabric makes the best porch pillows, and you won’t need to go rushing out if a little rain is spraying on them. Stuff them with outdoor-grade fill and move your inside design to the outside and enjoy a new life for your curtain.
If your curtain is gorgeous enough to be a centerpiece for your bathroom, why not move it front and center in another room? Make a simple frame of 2x2 wood pieces to the size you wish. Center your curtain image where you want it, and staple the edges to the back of your frame. Hang it in a new place of honor, and now you have two new rooms updated in your home!
Wrap up your boring cork bulletin board with your shower curtain for an upscale design. A drop ceiling tile makes a great bulletin board wrapped with your shower curtain fabric, and your secret is safe with us.
It’s the ideal size with a picnic lunch or two and keeping it classy as a bonus. The most crucial detail about this picnic blanket is that its water-resistance will keep your derriere’ dry if there is still a little bit of dew left on the grass.
Hang your curtain across doorways and cut 3-4 inch vertical strips, keeping everything connected up top. Breezes can come in, and bugs can stay out. Yours will be the prettiest bug curtain on the block.
When your fabric curtain is no longer fit to display, either by style or a few blemishes, you can still use it in your landscaping as a weed blocker. Since the fabric is not entirely waterproof, water can still seep down, and plant roots can breathe underneath. Just spread it out and cut holes for your plants, then cover it all with mulch to keep those weed seedlings away.
If you’re the type who prefers a cloth table covering over vinyl any day, then a shower curtain is the perfect compromise for your patio table. You’ll find yourself a little less worried if it is left in the rain or gets a little spill.
Never underestimate the many uses of a heavy sheet of plastic around the house. We’ve come up with a few thankful moments that make us keep one stored nearby at all times.
Before baby starts perfecting their pitching arm, a plastic curtain underneath their high chair catches everything as it falls off of the tray. If you don’t have a dog to keep up with the spillage, simply fold it and let everything slide into the garbage. Even goopy messes are remedied with a quick wipe or spray with a hose for spaghetti night.
Whether at the beach or at home, dig a little hole and line it with your shower curtain to hold the water. Your kids and your dogs will be delighted at the instant splash zone!
The older kids may not be impressed with the mini-pool, but add a sprinkler on the side and line a few together and yours is the coolest yard in town.
From general debris to paint drippings, a plastic curtain makes the perfect multi-use drop cloth for all of your random messes.
Everything is fine when you go to sleep in your tent, but come morning – the moisture from the ground is now on the floor of the tent, and if it’s you and your pillow down there, this is a novice surprise! Lay your plastic shower curtain underneath, and you’ll be one of the wise ones in your camping group.
There are some chores around the house (unclogging a toilet for one) that you just want NOT to get splashed on anything you like. Cut an apron shape for a custom fit made just for you. You can either leave strips of plastic for tying or add some simple cord through cut holes for all dirty jobs.
Protect your table from the markers, crayons, scissors, and paints as your kids put on the Picasso impression, and your pretty table cloth can stay that way. It’s the perfect surface for Play-Doh and clay, too. When it comes to finger painting – you don’t even need special paper. Just turn the kids loose on the plastic. Snap a photo with your phone, and you have it memorialized and upon social media in no time.
Waste not-want not – for there is always a new life with some smart thinking. Now if your remodel did not come with shower doors, Luxor Linens is more than luxurious bed sheets. Our bath collection has new shower curtains, with bath rugs and towels to match. You can even take it to the ultimate level of coordination and finish the total look with a matching bathrobe and slippers.
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